Today's industrial environments, home offices, business, as well as a multitude of other areas, require clips to manage the vast array of wires and cables that are necessary to connect computers and electronics.
Fastex has wire management clips, purse locks and straps to help arrange the wires into a convenient, workable, and organized manner.
| Encloz® Screw Grommets
These front mounted grommets provide added thread engagement and increased bearing area. The non-conductive parts fully encapsulate metal screws, providing electrical insulation and protection against temperature/moisture transfer and exposed screw points.
|  | Encloz® Reverse Screw Grommets
These are ideal when components are fastened from the opposite side of the panel. Snap-in grommet covers the screw point with an attractive, decorative head. |  | Round Hole Screw Grommet
This is ideal for applications with a drilled or punched hole. A pin, part of the grommet, expands the prongs of the grommet as it is driven into the hole.
|  | Leg Leveling Grommet
This grommet snaps into a pre-punched square hole and provides the threads for screwing in metal glides. Eliminates costly weld nuts and welding operations. Accepts 5/16-18 and 3/8-16 threaded glide. Patented product. |  | Plasti-Grommets
One-piece, non-corrosive nylon, self-retaining blind screw receptacle that spreads the load over a wide area for strength and high load bearing capacity. Front snap in. Insulates at fastening points, protects against electrolytic actions, eliminates cross threading.
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